Saturday, January 24, 2009

Do The Right Thing........

Don't you just love that movie a Brooklyn classic) But lately that's the saying that's been going through my mind I been trying to not go back to my old ways but hey what can i do)So I'm making a LIST AND CHECKING IT TWICE OF THE THINGS I DID THIS WEEK.BECAUSE I GOT THING TO DO AND ITS JUST QUICKER

**Tuesday-looked at history being made our first black president

**Wednesday-Went to school and did fucking exam...failed and talked to amala

**Thursday-Same as Friday but talked to amala longer....

**Friday-Went to all my teachers and pegged them to pass my black ass...

**Saturday-Went to Soho with my sister anit get shit just watched her shop and talked to tay for maid long about here love life and why she single....o and i talked to amala