Sunday, January 18, 2009

Guilty Concious

SUP!!!!!!!! Well today is Sunday and because did int post none this week im just start frm Friday.ok so shytay(that's what im calling her from now on)and i went to a party in the city and it was an unusual party but nowing myself i still had a good time alot of good looking white gurls i was in heaven..but let me tell u guys about tay she is the most shyest person in the world i was laughing sometimes at her because i was walking around the party trying to give her number to random guys but tay looked hot she was the hottest black gurl in the building i couldn't get the guys off of her. but when the party was over we went to spring street to get a good old slice of pizza(well tay did)and we had to end our night of fun Early because a curtain someone wanted to go home(im just call this person MOEARLY) it was so cold that night i froze my ass,dick head fingers off i couldn't believe how cold it was i wanted to just die out there but once we got on the train Put in my ipodi and tune MOEARLY OUT tay was in her own little world but im tired of typing i got a life ........TTYL


Dont Mind me....

well today i chilled with my neice shamya...aka the diva..she had the nerve to say "tay what ya name is? aint no diva " lol yes i guess she just loves yeah we made a video for face book but i'll post it here too

lol this child is like too funny. if i have a dughter i want her to be just like my prissy little niece. :)
heres more pics from today

                                             Caught texting <3 lol haha